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- 韩英,【SCI】Microstructure, Hardness, and Corrosion Behavior of TiC-Duplex Stainless Steel Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering.JMEPG,2017,26(8):1
- 韩英,【SCI】Hot Deformation and Processing Window Optimization of a 70MnSiCrMo Carbide-Free Bainitic Steel.Materials,2017(10):1
- 韩英,【SCI】Modeling the Constitutive Relationship of Al–0.62Mg–0.73Si Alloy Based on Artificial Neural Network.Metals,2017(7):1
- 韩英,【SCI】Isothermal transformation of a commercial super-bainitic steel: Part I Microstructural characterization and hardness.JMEP,2016:1
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- 韩英,[外单位通讯SCI]Influence of Heat Treatment Temperatureon Microstructure and Property of 00Cr13Ni5Mo2 Supermartensitic Stainless Steel.JISRI,2014,21(3):1
- 韩英,[外博通讯SCI]Hot deformation and optimization of process parameters of an as-cast 6Mo superaustenitic stainless steel: A study with processing map.Materials and Design,2013,53:1
- 韩英,【外博SCI】Investigation on hot deformation of 20Cr–25Ni superaustenitic stainless steel with starting columnar dendritic microstructure based on kinetic analysis and processing map.Materials Science and Technology,2013,29(3):1
- 韩英,【外博SCI】Deformation behaviorandmicrostructuralevolutionofas-cast904L austenitic stainlesssteelduringhotcompression.Materials Science&Engineering A,2013:1
- 韩英,[外博SCI]A comparative study on constitutive relationship of as-cast 904L austenitic stainless steel during hot deformation based on Arrhenius-type and artifici neural network models.Computational Materials Science,2013,67:1
- 韩英,【外博SCI】Investigation on hot deformation behavior of 00Cr23Ni4N duplex stainless steel under medium–high strain rates.M A T E R I A L S C H A R A C T E R I Z A T I O N,2011,62:1
- 韩英,【SCI】Constitutive equation and dynamic recrystallization behavior of as-cast 254SMO super-austenitic stainless steel.Materials and Design,2015,69:1
- 韩英,[SCI]Microstructures and Mechanical Characteristics of a Medium Carbon Super-Bainitic Steel After Isothermal Transformation.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2014,23(12):1