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- 谷东伟,郭进,韩文博,高嵩,赵希禄,许振.Reliability modeling for failure correlations to a CNC lathe subsystem based on Pagerank Algorithm.Quality Engineering,2023:1
- Research on preventive maintenance strategy of Coating Machine based on dynamic failure rate.Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Maintenance and Reliability,2023
- Integrated availability importance measure for multi-state complex systems analysis.Proc IMechE Part O: J Risk and Reliability,2023
- Reliability modeling for failure correlations to a CNC lathe subsystem based on Pagerank Algorithm.Quality Engineering,2023
- 谷东伟,许振,钟宇虹,李奇涵,龙哲.Reliability Allocation Method of Comprehensive Weight Computer Numerical Control Machine Tool Based on Failure Correlation and Factor Correlation1.2021 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE),2021:2
- 谷东伟,贾立刚,钟宇虹.【SCI3区】Integrated availability importance measure analysis for multi-state manufacturing system based on proportional hazards model.QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL,2022:1
- 谷东伟,许振,钟宇虹,李奇涵,龙哲.【SCI3区第一/通讯作者谷东伟】Reliability allocation method of comprehensive weight computer numerical control machine tool based on failure correlation and factor correlation.QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL,2022:1
- 谷东伟,钟宇虹,许振,陈炳锟,王志琼.【SCI3区第一/通讯作者谷东伟】An importance measure of a CNC lathe considering failure correlations.QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL,2022:1
- 【SCI】An importance measure of a CNC lathe considering failure correlations.Quality and Reliability Engineering international,2021
- 【SCI】Scale parameter assessment based on pivot quantity for reliability analysis of a complex system.Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2021
- 【EI】Reliability Allocation Method of Comprehensive Weight Computer Numerical Control Machine Tool Based on Failure Correlation and Factor Correlation.2021 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety Engineering (SRSE),2021
- 谷东伟,Failure mode analysis of NC turret based on random fuzzy method.IEEE 18th international conference on industrial engineering and engineering management,2011:2
- 谷东伟,[外博EI]基于位置-刻度模型的主轴系统可靠性分析.吉林大学学报(工学版),2012:2
- 谷东伟,【外博EI】数控机床主轴系统可靠性评价.中南大学学报,2013:2
- 谷东伟,石佩茹,岳晓峰,黄炜琪.基于区间风险优先数的血细胞分析仪故障分析.医疗装备,2019:2