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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


张霖,男,工学博士,中共党员,教授,博士生导师,吉林省高性能制造及检测国际科技合作重点实验室副主任,吉林省微纳与超精密制造重点实验室学术骨干。分别于2011年和2014年在吉林大学机械科学与工程学院获得工学学士与硕士学位(导师:赵宏伟教授),2015年获美国俄亥俄州立大学全额奖学金资助攻读博士学位(导师:Allen Yi教授),2020年受日本学术振兴会(JSPS)奖励资助,以JSPS外国人特别研究员身份在日本庆应义塾大学闫纪旺教授研究室开展研究工作,并于2022年度入选国家青年人才计划。20236月以教授/博士生导师身份入职长春工业大学机电工程学院。目前是日本精密工学会(JSPE)正会员,国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员和美国光学学会(OSA)会员,同时也是20余种SCI期刊的审稿人。

主要从事超精密切削加工工艺与机理研究、精密玻璃模压工艺与装备开发及复杂光学元件设计与加工等方面的研究工作。研究内容涉及机械、光学、材料、力学、物理等多学科交叉领域。在CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Precision Engineering, Optics Letters, Optics Express等期刊发表SCI论文55篇,其中,作为第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文21篇,合著英文专著专章1章,以第一和第二发明人身份申请国家发明专利6项,2发明专利得到产业转化。获得日本学术振兴会(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)外国人特别研究员奖、俄亥俄州立大学校长奖学金(Presidential Fellowship)、香港政府奖学金(Hong Kong PhD Fellowship)、吉林省“十佳大学生”、吉林大学“十佳大学生”等奖励。


English version: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Zhang












[1] Zhang L., Hashimoto T., Yan, J.* (2021) Machinability exploration for high-entropy alloy FeCrCoMnNi by ultrasonic vibration-assisted diamond turning. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 70, 37-40.

[2] Wang C., Huang H.*, Zhang H.Y., Zhang L.*, Yan J.W. (2023) Laser repairing of FeCoCrNiV high-entropy alloy and its mechanical and cutting characteristics. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 317, 118003.

[3] Zhang, L., Yi, A. Y, Yan, J.* (2022) Flexible fabrication of Fresnel micro-lens array by off-spindle-axis spiral diamond turning and precision glass molding. Precision Engineering, 74, 186-194.

[4] Zhang, L., Naples, N. J., Zhou W. C., & Yi, A. Y*. (2019) Fabrication of infrared hexagonal microlens array by novel diamond turning method and precision glass molding. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 29 (6).

[5] Zhang, L., Zhao, H. W., Dai, L., Yang, Y. H., Du, X. C., Tang, P. Y., & Zhang, L.* (2015) Molecular dynamics simulation of deformation accumulation in repeated nanometric cutting on single-crystal copper. RSC Advances, 5 (17), 12678-12685.

[6] Zhang, L., Huang, H., Zhao, H. W.*, Ma, Z. C., Yang, Y. H., & Hu, X. L. (2013) The evolution of machining-induced surface of single-crystal FCC copper via nanoindentation. Nanoscale Research Letters, 8 (1), 211.

[7] Zhang, L., Zhao, H. W.*, Yang, Y. H., Huang, H., Ma, Z. C., & Shao, M. K. (2014) Evaluation of repeated single-point diamond turning on the deformation behavior of monocrystalline silicon via molecular dynamic simulations. Applied Physics A, 116 (1), 141-150.




[1] Zhang, L., Zhou W. C., & Yi, A. Y*. (2017) Rapid localized heating of graphene coating on a silicon mold by induction for precision molding of polymer optics. Optics Letters, 42 (7), 1369-1372.

[2] Zhang, L.*, Zolfaghari, A., Zhou, W. C., Shu, Y., Yi, A. Y. (2022) Flexible metallic mold based precision compression molding for replication of micro-optical components onto non-planar surfaces. Precision Engineering, 76, 149-159.

[3] Zhang, L.*, Yan, J. (2022) Study on nano-graphitic carbon coating on Si mold insert for precision glass molding. Surface and Coatings Technology, 128893.

[4] Zhang, L.*, Yi, A. Y. (2021) Investigation of novel mid-infrared rapid heating of carbide-bonded graphene coating and its applications on precision optical molding. Optics Express, 29, 30761-30771.

[5] Zhang, L.*, & Yi, A. Y. (2020) Manufacturing of a microlens array mold by a two-step method combining microindentation and precision polishing. Applied Optics, 59 (23), 6945-6952.

[6] Zhang, L., Zhou W. C., & Yi, A. Y*. (2018) Investigation of thermoforming mechanism and optical properties’ change of chalcogenide glass in precision glass molding. Applied Optics, 57 (22), 6358-6368.

[7] Zhang, L., Zhou W. C., Naples, N. J., & Yi, A. Y*. (2018) Investigation of index change in compression molding of As40Se50S10 chalcogenide glass. Applied Optics, 57 (15), 4245-4252.




[1] Zhang, L., Zhou, L., Zhou, W. C., Zhang, S. Q., & Yi, A. Y*. (2020) Design, fabrication and testing of a compact large-field-of-view infrared compound eye imaging system by precision glass molding. Precision Engineering, 66, 87-98.

[2] Zhang, L., Zhou W. C., Naples, N. J., & Yi, A. Y*. (2018) Fabrication of an infrared Shack–Hartmann sensor by combining high-speed single-point diamond milling and precision compression molding processes. Applied Optics, 57 (13), 3598-3605.

[3] Zhong, Y., Du, R.X., Zhang, L.*, Yi, A. Y. (2020) Structural colorization of surfaces with microstructures replicated by non-isothermal precision glass molding, Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, 8, 041003.

[4] Zhou W. C., Zhang, L., & Yi, A. Y*. (2018) Design and Fabrication of a Compound-eye System using Precision Molded Chalcogenide Glass Freeform Microlens Arrays. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 171, 294-303.




[1] Huang, H., Qian, Y., Zhang, L.*, Jiang, M., & Yan, J. (2022) A novel method for fabricating micro-dimple arrays with good surface quality on metallic glass substrate by combining laser irradiation and mechanical polishing under wax sealing, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 79, 911-923.

[2] Huang, H., Hong, J., Qian, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, L*. (2022) Nanosecond laser polishing of laser nitrided Zr-based metallic glass surface, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121, 4099-4113.

[3] Huang, H., Qian, Y., Zhang, L.*, Jiang, M., & Yan, J. (2022) A novel method for fabricating micro-dimple arrays with good surface quality on metallic glass substrate by combining laser irradiation and mechanical polishing under wax sealing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 79, 911-923.

[4] Huang, H., Hong, J., Qian, Y., Wang, C., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, L*. (2022) Nanosecond laser polishing of laser nitrided Zr-based metallic glass surface. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 121, 4099-4113.

[5] Zhang, H., Qian, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, D., Liu, H., & Huang, H*. (2021) Surface coloration of Zr-based metallic glass by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation in ambient atmosphere. Materials Letters, 304, 130721.

[6] Zhang, L., & Huang., H*. (2019) Micro machining of bulk metallic glasses: a review. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 100 (1-4), 637–661.




[1] Ji X., Yang B., Wei Z., Wang M., Tang Q., Xu W., Wang Y., Zhang J.Zhang L. (2024). Benthic habitat sediments mapping in coral reef area using amalgamation of multi-source and multi-modal remote sensing data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024,304:114032.

[2] Ji, X., Dong, Z., Wei, Z., Wang, M., Xu, W., & Zhang, L.* (2024). An Adaptive Local Joint-Weighted Method for Continuous Stripping Intensity Correction of Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 1-12.

[3] Ji, X., Dong, Z., Zhang, L., Wang, M., Ma, Y., Zhang, J. (2023). Waveform classification and index sharing based-effective intensity data extraction of airborne laser bathymetry. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 124, 103503.




硕士研究生 博士研究生 研究助理 师资博士后 (详情见“招生信息”栏)



张 霖:zhanglin@ccut.edu.cn


吉林省长春市延安大街2055号 长春工业大学

Educational Experience

2015.9 2019.12

  • 俄亥俄州立大学
  • Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Postgraduate (Doctoral)

2011.9 2014.7

  • 吉林大学
  • Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
  • Master's Degree in Engineering
  • Postgraduate (Master's Degree)

2007.9 2011.7

  • 吉林大学
  • Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
  • Bachelor's degree
  • University graduated

Work Experience

2022.10 2023.3
  • 日本庆应义塾大学
  • 机械工程学院
  • 大学研究员
2020.10 2022.9
  • 日本庆应义塾大学
  • 机械工程学院
  • JSPS外国人特别研究员
2020.2 2020.9
  • 日本庆应义塾大学
  • 机械工程系
  • 大学研究员

Social AffiliationsMore>>

2023.8 Now

  • 中国光学工程协会先进光学制造青年专家

2022.3 Now

  • 日本精密工学会(JSPE)正会员

2019.10 Now

  • 美国光学学会(OSA)会员

Research Group

Name of Research Group:先进光学与智能制造研究室
Description of Research Group:长春工业大学先进光学制造研究室,隶属于机电工程学院,团队由林洁琼教授、张霖教授为核心成员,该研究室主要从事超精密切削加工、精密玻璃模压装备及技术、智能制造及检测技术等方面的研究工作。团队先后承担国家级、省部级重点项目3项,授权国家发明专利10余项,发表论文50余篇。目前团队具有一流的超精密加工试验条件及设备,与国内外一流高校建立了良好的交流合作关系,欢迎有志同学加入团队。