[1] 李奚,【SCI1区通讯作者李奚】Classification of breast cancer by a gold nanoparticle based multicolor fluorescent aptasensor.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2022,611:1
[2] 李奚,【核心通讯】金纳米棒对小鼠乳腺癌细胞光热/光动力协同治疗的研究.山东农业大学学报(自然科学版),2021:2
[3] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Neutrophil mediated postoperative photoimmunotherapy against melanoma skin cancer.NANOSCALE,2021,13(35):1
[4] 李奚,【EI通讯】基于SERS技术的靶向修饰金纳米探针用于Hela细胞的检测.发光学报,2019:2
[5] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Improving the photothermal therapy efficacy and preventing the surface oxidation of bismuth nanoparticles through the formation of a bismuth@bismuth selenide heterostructure.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B,2020:1
[6] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Morphological effect of copper sulfide nanoparticles on their near infrared laser activated photothermal and photodynamic performance.Mater. Res. Express,2019:1
[7] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Ligand-Assisted Synthesis of Monodispersed and Small-Sized ZnO Nanoparticles and Their Application in Electroluminescence Device.Mater. Res. Express,2019:1
[8] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Hollow, Rough, and Nitric Oxide-Releasing Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Promoting Multiple Stages of Wound Healing.Advanced Healthcare Materials,2019:1
[9] 李奚,【SCI通讯】Nitric Oxide Stimulated Programmable Drug Release of Nanosystem for Multidrug Resistance Cancer Therapy.Nano Letters,2019:1
[10] 李奚,【外单位,SCI合作通讯】{101}-{001} Surface heterojunction enhanced antibacterial activity of titanium dioxide nanocrystals under sunlight irradiation.ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2017:1