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- 朱宏殷,刘超,郑尧,赵靖,李磊.A Hybrid machine learning algorithm for detection of simulated expiratory markers of diabetic patients based on gas sensor array.IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2023,23(3):1
- 朱宏殷,李磊.The study on detection method of binary mixed gas based on MOS sensor arrays.Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,2022,12252:2
- 林京君,于凤萍,林晓梅,李磊.双脉冲激光诱导光谱结合多变量GA-BP-ANN检测合金钢中C元素.光谱学与光谱分析,2022,42(1):2
- 李磊,郑尧,刘超,朱宏殷,朱宏殷.Design of an Electronic Nose System for Exhaled Gas Markers of Acute Kidney Injury Patients.2022 5th International Conference on Robotics, Control and Automation Engineering,2022:2
- 李磊,魏紫鸿,李井雨,郑尧.Design of General Data Acquisition System for MOS Gas Sensor.Proceedings - 2020 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering, ICMCCE 2020,2020:2
- 李磊,【会议】Influence of Post-annealing Temperature on the Properties of Ti-Doped In2O3 Transparent Conductive Films by Ratio-frequency Sputtering.2011, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.,2011:2
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- 基于机器学习的协同式传感器阵列用于糖尿病患者初筛与检测研究,朱宏殷,赵靖,于鑫,李磊,刘超,郑尧,查成源,米玉泽
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