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- 高亮,“双一流”建设背景下立德树人的内涵与实践路径.教育观察,2021:3
- 高亮,Dynamic impact behavior and notched fatigue life of GLARE laminates.Composite Structures,2023:1
- 高亮,【SCI3区通讯作者高亮】Compression behavior and deformation mechanism of 3D-printed Kagome lattice materials.MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,2022:1
- 高亮,吴臣.【SCI3区通讯作者高亮】Open-Hole Tensile Behavior and Progressive Damage of Hybrid Fiber Metal Laminates.Applied Composite Materials,2022(29):1
- 高亮,【SCI4区第一/通讯作者高亮】Thermo-structural responses of metallic lattice-frame sandwich structure for hypersonic leading edges.JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER,2022:1
- 高亮,All-composite integrated 3D-Kagome lattice cores sandwich structure with flexible mortise-tenon joints.Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials,2021:1
- 高亮,含孔玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料-铝合金层板的拉伸 损伤行为与热暴露响应.复合材料学报,2020:2
- 高亮,【SCI通讯】Notched tensile response and damage mechanism of GLARE laminate.Journal of Composite Materials,2020:1
- 高亮,【SCI通讯】Tribological properties and anti-wear mechanism of ZnO@graphene core-shell nanoparticles as lubricant additives.Tribology International,2019:1
- 高亮,【核心通讯】导热改性碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料的力-热特性.功能材料,2019,50(4):2
- 高亮,【SCI通讯】Through-thickness thermal conductivity enhancement and tensile response of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composites.Composites Part B,2019:1
- 高亮,普通高校大学生学习效率现状浅析.现代职业教育,2017:3
- 高亮,孙雨果.【SCI】Thermostructural multiobjective optimization of a composite sandwich panel with lattice truss cores.NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER, PART B,2016:1
- 高亮,【外博第二EI】复合材料点阵夹芯结构的换热特性.复合材料学报,2011,28(4):3
- 高亮,【外博EI】杆件倾角对复合点阵夹芯结构主动换热性能的影响.复合材料学报,2013,30(5):3