Changchun University of Technology
Scientific Research
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Mingming Lu
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
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Paper Publications
【SCI通讯】Modeling and Investigation of Minimum Chip Thickness for Silicon Carbide during Quasi-intermittent Vibration Assisted Swing Cutting.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2023,127
【SCI通讯】Experimental and simulation study of ultrasonic elliptical vibration cutting SiCp/Al composites: chip formation and surface integrity study.[J]Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2023,22
Mingming Lu,庄绪龙,周家康,李卫幸.【SCI3区】A novel reciprocating cluster magnetorheological polishing device :Design and investigation of removal model.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,2022:1
Mingming Lu,付喜锋,宫鸿,周家康,杜永盛,周瑞琦,卢明明.【SCI通讯】Piezoelectric hysteresis modeling of hybrid driven three-dimensional elliptical vibration aided cutting system based on an improved flower pollination algorithm.Micromachines,2021,12(12):1
卢明明,周晓勤,郭洺萁,杜永盛.【SCI通讯】Investigation of surface integrity transition of SiCp/Al composites based on specific cutting energy during ultrasonic elliptical vibration assisted cutting.Journal of Manufacturing Processes,2022,79:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】A pH-triggered charge reversal and self-fluorescent micelle as a smart nanocarrier for doxorubicin controlled release.J Polym Res,2017:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】A Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel with Reversible Three-State Transition Controlled by Redox Stimulation.Macromol. Chem. Phys.,2017:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Tough and ultrastretchable hydrogels reinforced by poly(butyl acrylate-co-acrylonitrile) latex microspheres as crosslinking centers for hydrophobic association.Polymer,2017:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Robust, tough and anti-fatigue cationic latex composite hydrogels based on dual physically cross-linked networks.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2017:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】A potential dual-modality optical imaging probe based on the pH-responsive micelle.Journal of Polymer Research,2016:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Tri-functional cross-linker trimethylol melamine enhancing adhesive force of PVA hydrogels.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,2016:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Rapid Formation of Highly Stretchable and Notch-insensitive Hydrogels.RSC Advances,2016:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Highly tough and puncture resistant hydrogels driven by macromolecular microspheres.RSC Advances,2016:1
高光辉,【SCI通讯】Highly stretchable and tough pH-sensitive hydrogels with reversible swelling and recoverable deformation.RSC Advances,2016:1
高光辉,[外单位第二SCI]Stimulus-sensitive polymeric nanoparticles and their applications as drug and gene carriers.Advanced Healthcare Materials,2013,2:1
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