[11] 周游,(CPCI)Exploration on the New Development of Advertising Form in the Era of Big Data.ICMIBI-ASSB 2017,2017:1
[12] 周游,(CPCI)Research on the Strategies of Improving the Effect of Flipped Classroom.Proceedings of 2017 7th International Conference on Education,2017:1
[13] 周游,(CPCI)The Research and Exploration of Teaching Design of the Flipped Classroom.Proceedings of 2017 7th International Conference on Education,2017:1
[14] 周游,【核心】大数据时代广告实践的新发展.青年记者,2016:3
[15] 周游,【CPCI】Research on the Practice of Happiness Education from the Perspective of Life.Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science & Humanities,2016:1
[16] 周游,【省级】消费文化对社会治理体系构建的影响.吉林日报,2016:3
[17] 周游,【省级】对人生价值的探究.吉林日报,2016:3
[18] 周游,【省级】大数据时代的品牌传播.吉林日报,2017:3
[19] 周游,【省级】好品牌是创出来的.吉林日报,2017:3
[20] 周游,【CPCI】Exploration Research on the Cultivation of Creative Advertisement Talents.Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science & Humanities,2016:1