Affiliation of Author(s):经济管理学院
Teaching and Research Group:经济管理学院
Journal:ICMIPP 2012
Funded by:省教育厅社科项目
Key Words:Private Equity Funds, Exit mechanism, Multi-level capital market
Abstract:Private equity funds are a new class of financial intermediary organizations to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have a tremendous role, but due to a lack of financial system design, private equity funds out of the great obstacles exist, which seriously restrict the development of private equity market. Therefore, can use the U.S. private equity fund exit mechanism of experience, perfect the institutional construction exit pathway for private equity funds from the successful offer more.
First Author:zhang xuan
Indexed by:Essay collection
Page Number:2
Number of Words:1
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2012-01-07