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【EI】Multiobjective Clustering Optimization Algorithm for Logistics distribution route under e-business environment


Affiliation of Author(s):应用技术学院

Teaching and Research Group:应用技术学院

Journal:SHPMedia Sdn Bhd

Funded by:其他课题

Key Words:E-business Environment; Logistics Distribution; Route; Multiobjective; Clustering Optimization;

Abstract:In the current multiobjective clustering optimization algorithm for logistics distribution route under e-business environment, there are the problems of the complexity of execution process and the poor quality of logistics distribution route selection. For these problems, a multiobjective clustering optimization algorithm for logistics distribution route under e-business environment based on ant colony algorithm is proposed in this paper. According to the path construction strategy and the pheromone updating strategy of ant colony algorithm, the multiobjective clustering optimization process of logistics distribution route under e-business environment is realized, and the multiobjective clustering optimization of logistics distribution route is completed. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is simple in path selection and the quality of path selection is relatively high.

First Author:zhangqiang

Indexed by:Journal paper



Page Number:1

Number of Words:1

ISSN No.:02184540

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-06-01

Pre One:【核心】电子商务平台物流中心拣货流程软件仿真