- 【SCI通讯】Crosslinking network structure effects on particle coagulation in the emulsion polymerization of styrene in methanol solution
- 点击次数:
- 所属单位:化学工程学院
- 教研室:化学工程学院
- 发表刊物:Colloid and Polymer Science
- 项目来源:省、市、自治区科技项目
- 合写作者:刘伯军,张明耀
- 第一作者:张明耀
- 论文类型:期刊论文
- 卷号:293
- 期号:5
- 页面范围:1
- 是否译文:否
- 发表时间:2015-05-27
上一条: 【SCI通讯】Facile synthesis of large scale and narrow particle size distribution polymer particles via control particle coagulation during one-step emulsion polymerization
下一条: 【SCI通讯】Particle nucleation and growth in the emulsion polymerization of styrene: effect of monomer/water ratio and electrolyte concentration