- 杨凯,李晗,张晨辉.Random coefficients integer‑valued threshold autoregressive processes driven by logistic regression.AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis,2020,105(4):533-557
- 杨凯,丁雪.Bayesian empirical likelihood inference and order shrinkage for autoregressive models.Statistical Papers,2021,63(1):97-121
- 杨凯,于鑫洋,张庆庆.On MCMC sampling in self-exciting integer-valued threshold time series models.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,2022
- 杨凯,赵洪梅,刁亚静.(数统CSSCI)基于半参数可加自回归模型的黄金价格实证分析.数理统计与管理,2020:3
- 杨凯,康尧,王德辉,李晗,刁亚静.【SCI】Modeling overdispersed or underdispersed count data with generalized Poisson integer-valued autoregressive processes.Metrika,2019,82(7):1
- 杨凯,王德辉,贾博婷,李晗.【外博SCI】An integer-valued threshod autoregressive process based on negative binomial thinning.Statistical Papers,2018:1
- 杨凯,宋立新.一个组合分布模型的改进与建立.统计与决策,2013:3
- 杨凯,王德辉,李晗.[SCI]Threshold autoregression analysis for finite-range time series of counts with an application on measles data.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,2018,88:1
- 杨凯,李晗,王德辉.[SCI一区]Estimation of parameters in the self-exciting threshold autoregressive processes for nonlinear time series of counts.Applied Mathematical Modelling,2018,57:1
- 李晗,杨凯.Quasi-likelihood inference for self-exciting threshold integer-valued autoregressive processes.Computational Statistics,2017:1
- 杨凯,王德辉.【外博SCI四区】Bayesian estimation for first order autoregressive model with explanatory variables.Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,2017:1