- Name (Pinyin):yanghua
- Date of Birth:1969-04-17
- E-Mail:
- Teacher College:公共管理学院
Contact Information
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- Research Projects
Release time:2022-12-02 Hits:
- Affiliation of Participant(s):人文学院
- Leading Scientist:杨华
- Classification of Project:吉林省教育厅
- Sub-Class of Project:分子生态学
- Nature of Project:横向
- Project Participants:班娟,李雪,李瑞,孙昊
- Project Number:ZW221410#
- Date of Project Approval:2014-01-01
- Scheduled completion time:2016-12-31
- Date of Project Completion:2017-12-30
- Project Approval Number:吉教科文合字【2014】第66号
- Subsidy Amount:1.5