Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Other Post:长春师范大学副校长
Affiliation of Participant(s):化学工程学院
Teaching and Research Group:化学工程学院
Leading Scientist:吴广峰
Classification of Project:吉林省科技厅
Sub-Class of Project:物理有机化学
Type of Project:应用研究
Project Participants:任秀艳,刘丽,陈淑红,赵军浦,张媛,程雨,孙树林,杨海东,谭志勇,王春艳,何世伟,赵小星,田林
Date of Project Approval:2010-09-13
Scheduled completion time:2012-12-31
Date of Project Completion:2013-10-24
Date of Project Initiation:2010-07-01
Project Approval Number:20100332
Subsidy Amount:15.0