- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):songxiaofeng
- Date of Birth:1972-12-26
- School/Department:化学工程学院
- Administrative Position:系主任
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
- Business Address:化工楼6226
- Contact Information:13080037022(微信)/QQ:15359494615
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
- Alma Mater:吉林大学
- Teacher College:化学工程学院
- Discipline:Polymer Chemistry and Physics
Applied Chemistry
Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- songxiaofeng,(省)活性碳纤维非织造布制备的研究.产业用纺织品,2005:2
- songxiaofeng,(省)再生竹纤维浆粕的制备研究.上海纺织科技,2005:2
- songxiaofeng,(省)改性活性碳纤维吸附二氧化硫的研究.合成纤维,2005:2
- songxiaofeng,(省)浸渍法改性活性炭纤维吸附NO的研究.合成纤维工业,2005:2
- songxiaofeng,(省)活性碳纤维制品的研究与应用.化工新型材料,2004:2
- songxiaofeng,(省)乳液聚合制备苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯酸三元共聚物.化工新型材料,2004:2
- songxiaofeng,(博SCI)A highly sensitive ethanol sensor based on mesoporous ZnO–SnO2 nanofibers.nanotechnology,2009:1
- songxiaofeng,(SCI)Surface structure and adsorption properties of ultrafine porous carbon fibers.applied surface science,2008:1
- songxiaofeng,(SCI)Synthesis of polyacrylonitrile/Ag core-shell nanowire by an improved electroless plating method.Materials Letters,2008:1
- songxiaofeng,(博SCI)Ultrafine porous carbon fibers for SO2 adsorption via electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile solution.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,2008:1