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【外单位SCI】Some New Variants of Cauchy’s Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations


Affiliation of Author(s):数学与统计学院

Teaching and Research Group:数学教研室

Journal:Journal of Applied Mathematics

Funded by:其他课题

Key Words:Cauchy’s methods;nonlinear equations;convergence order

Abstract:We present and analyze some variants of Cauchy’s methods free from second derivative for obtaining simple roots of nonlinear equations. The convergence analysis of the methods is discussed. It is established that the methods have convergence order three. Per iteration the new methods require two function and one first derivative evaluations. Numerical examples show that the new methods are comparable with the well-known existingmethods and give better numerical results in many aspects.


First Author:liutianbao

Indexed by:Journal paper


Page Number:1

Number of Words:3

ISSN No.:1110-757x

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2012-09-26

Pre One:【外单位核心】一族带有3个参数的三阶收敛迭代方法

Next One:【外博核心】求解非线性方程的一族预估校正迭代方法