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【ScI】A New Family of Iterative Methods Based on an Exponential Model for Solving Nonlinear Equations


Affiliation of Author(s):数学与统计学院

Teaching and Research Group:数学教研室

Journal:Journal of Applied Mathematics

Funded by:其他课题

Key Words:Newton’s method;Iterative Method;Nonlinear Equation;Exponential Model

Abstract:We present two new families of iterative methods for obtaining simple roots of nonlinear equations.The first family is developed by fitting the model to the function and its derivative at a point. In order to remove the second derivative of the first methods, we construct the second family of iterative methods by approximating the equation around the point by the quadratic equation. Analysis of convergence shows that the new methods have thirdorderor higher convergence. Numerical experiments show that new iterative methods are effective and comparable to those of the well-known existing methods.

First Author:liutianbao

Indexed by:Journal paper



Page Number:1

Number of Words:2

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2013-11-02

Pre One:【核心】一族带有两参数的修正型Chebyshev-Halley迭代方法(英文)

Next One:A Family of Fifth-order Iterative Methods for Solving Nonlinear Equations