Li qihan
- Professor
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (English):Li qihan
- Name (Pinyin):Li qihan
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:1994-07-01
- School/Department:机电工程学院
- Administrative Position:党委书记兼副院长
- Education Level:Master's degree completion
- Business Address:机电工程学院
- Contact
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Other Post:教育部工程教育认证评估专家、国家一流专业负责人、吉林省教学名师、《精密成形工程》编委
- Alma Mater:吉林工学院
- Teacher College:机电工程学院
- Discipline:Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
Other specialties in Mechanical Engineering
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
- PostalAddress:
- Telephone:
- Email:
- Paper Publications
Release time:2021-05-17 Hits:
- Affiliation of Author(s):机电工程学院
- Journal:锻压技术
- Funded by:省、市、自治区科技项目
- Co-author:王文广,邓义,张效林
- First Author:Li qihan
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Volume:39
- Issue:12
- Page Number:2
- ISSN No.:1000-3940
- Translation or Not:no
- CN No.:11-1942/TG
- Date of Publication:2014-12-25