- Name (Pinyin):lijun
- Date of Birth:1964-11-17
- E-Mail:
- Teacher College:图书馆
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- Paper Publications
Release time:2022-03-11 Hits:
- Affiliation of Author(s):图书馆
- Teaching and Research Group:林园分馆
- Journal:魅力中国
- Funded by:无依托项目研究成果
- Key Words:一卡通,高校图书馆,应用分析
- Abstract:在近几年的发展中,我国信息技术的发展速度相对比较快,高校图书馆业务管理以及服务水平也呈现出智能化和现代化的特点,特别是在计算机的技术运用下,一卡通成为当前高校图书馆的主要载体.
- First Author:lijun
- Indexed by:Journal paper
- Volume:45
- Issue:2021.11
- Page Number:3
- Number of Words:1
- ISSN No.:1673-0992
- Translation or Not:no
- CN No.:41-1390/C
- Date of Publication:2021-11-01