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  • 教师拼音名称:guohan
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(会EI)Research of Security for Vehicular AdHoc NetWorks
  • 所属单位:数学与统计学院
  • 教研室:信息与计算科学教研室
  • 发表刊物:CMCE
  • 项目来源:自选课题
  • 关键字:Ad Hoc; Vehicular Ad Hoc Network; Security; VANETs
  • 摘要:The road to a successful introduction of vehicular communications has to pass through the analysis of potential security threats and the design of robust security architecture able to cope with these threats. Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. In this paper, we designed a framework of intelligent transport system. The main task of the road condition information transferring module is deal with the information exchange of the car inside, car to car and car to road. Vehicular networks are likely to become the most relevant form of mobile ad hoc networks. In the ITS of this paper, we concern the security issues of VANETs from some aspects and provide the appropriate solving measures. To make sure the ITS can be used under the security pattern.
  • 第一作者:郭晗
  • 论文类型:论文集
  • 卷号:olume V
  • 页面范围:3
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  • 发表时间:2010-10-01