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Associate professor  
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Research Projects



Affiliation of Participant(s):数学与统计学院

Teaching and Research Group:信息与计算科学教研室

Leading Scientist:durunmei

Classification of Project:吉林省教育厅

Sub-Class of Project:偏微分方程数值解

Type of Project:基础研究

Project Participants:那杨,马承泽,谢春雷

Project Number:JJKH20200643KJ

Date of Project Approval:2020-04-17

Scheduled completion time:2021-12-31

Date of Project Completion:2021-12-30

Date of Project Initiation:2020-01-01

Project Approval Number:JJKH20200643KJ

Subsidy Amount:2.5

Pre One:几类偏微分方程的若干性质

Next One:基于SaaS模块化技术的电商软件--掌上超市APP的开发与实现