- Professor
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):chenli
- Date of Birth:1971-04-18
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:1994-07-01
- School/Department:长春工业大学
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
- Degree:Doctoral degree
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:吉林大学
- Teacher College:材料科学与工程学院
Contact Information
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- Awards and Honours
Release time:2021-12-06 Hits:
- Title of Achievement:仿生非光滑表面材料性能基础与机理研究
- Affiliation of Participants:材料科学工程学院
- Teaching and Research Group:材料科学工程学院
- Order of Affiliations of Authors:第1
- Granted by:吉林省教育厅
- Supported by:省、市、自治区科技项目
- School Sign:第一单位
- Level of Award:省级奖
- Grade of Award:Second prize
- Type of Award:省、自治区、直辖市科技进步奖
- Date of Award:2011-12-16
- Number of Participants:6
- Primary Participant:chenli
- Co-author:zhaoyu,chenhua,Yang You,gongwenbiao,周宏