
[会议SCI通讯]Research on the Powder TiH2-45Al-4Sn by Mechanical Alloying

发布时间:2021-07-12  点击次数:


发表刊物:Conferences of International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology


关键字:TiH2; Al; Sn; powder; mechanical alloying

摘要:Mechanical alloying (MA) as a powder metallurgy method is often used to prepare materials with ultrafine grain and special structure difficultly obtained in conventional ways. In this paper, the TiH(2)45Al4Sn (at. %) composite powder was mechanically milled by high energy ball milling. The crystalline grain size, morphology and phase characteristic of milled powder with different milling time were investigated by XRD, SEM and TEM. The results show that with the milling time increasing, the powder particles are refined rapidly in the initial stage and then gradually become stable. The new phase Ti2Sn3 is formed by mechanical alloying (MA) of TiH2, Al, Sn powders during milling which resulted particles refinement to very small size. The homogeneous and dense Ti2Al and Ti2Sn3 intermetallic compounds are obtained after vacuum hot pressing sintering, which microstructure is composed of equal axial Ti2Al as matrix and fine Ti2Sn3 particles. Because of the addition of Sn, Ti-Al intermetallic compounds formation is inhibited during MA and sintering. However, Sn contributes to the formation of Ti2Al phase which which is difficult to be obtained with the conventional method of casting and forging.








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